What exactly is Memcached? What is the reason for its expanding popularity among users who take care of databases?
Memcached is a caching platform, which is used to optimize the loading speed of database-driven websites by caching the calls and the responses between the website visitor and the server. In other words, anytime a particular page on such a website is visited, the script connects to its database to request the information that should be shown to the website visitor. In case the latter clicks a link to go to some other page, the entire process is executed again and this results in multiple database queries and high server load, even more so if the website has a lot of simultaneous visitors. Memcached "remembers" this exchange of information, so in case any of these pages is opened again, the script no longer needs to call any information from the database, as everything is provided by the Memcached platform. Thus, the overall speed of your site will increase and you’ll get more satisfied visitors and they’ll be able to navigate through your website much faster. Also, Memcached updates its cache if any info in the database is changed, so the website users will never see old data.
Memcached in Hosting
Memcached is offered as an upgrade with each
hosting plan offered by us and if you would like to use it for any script-powered site that you host on our advanced cloud platform, you’ll be able to add it in several easy steps through your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. During the process, you will get the option to upgrade two separate features – the number of instances and the memory. The first one refers to the number of the websites that can use the Memcached distributed memory object caching system at the same time, so if you need it for several websites, you can get a number of instances. The second one refers to the total amount of memory that Memcached will be permitted to use to cache data, so for multiple websites (or for one regularly visited site), you should order more memory for improved performance. The memory is offered in increments of 16 megabytes and more memory can be ordered at any time. With the Memcached caching system, every script-powered website hosted on our cloud servers will load faster than the speed of light.
Memcached in Semi-dedicated Servers
You can get the Memcached object caching system as an optional upgrade with each of our
Linux semi-dedicated hosting service and since it works with any script-driven app, you can use it for every Internet site that you host on our servers, regardless of what application you have used – Joomla
™, WordPress or Mambo, a custom-developed application, etc. You can add the upgrade via the corresponding section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel from which you administer your semi-dedicated server account, and you can select two separate things – the instances and the amount of memory that they will use. To put it in simple terms, these things indicate the number of the websites that will use the Memcached caching system and the maximum amount of system memory that the system will be able to use in order to cache your data. The two things are ordered separately for more flexibility and one instance does not come with a fixed amount of memory. You can make use of Memcached with any sort of website and both you and the site visitors will swiftly notice the difference in the overall performance.
Memcached in VPS Servers
You’ll get Memcached with any of the
VPS server plans offered by us in case you choose Hepsia as your hosting Control Panel and you will be able to activate the distributed memory object caching platform via the section with the same name. The activation requires a couple of mouse clicks and you will notice the difference in the overall performance of your sites almost instantly. The amount of memory that the Memcached platform can employ to cache data depends on the particular Virtual Private Server hosting package that you’ve selected, but in any case it won’t be less than several hundred megabytes, which is quite enough even for several intense-traffic sites. You can use the Memcached platform with sites based on WordPress, Joomla
™ or any other script and lower the load on your virtual machine, which will enable you to continue using the current VPS package rather than upgrading to a more powerful one, as you simply won’t need it. Memcached is already being used by famous websites like Wikipedia, Zynga and Reddit, which shows its efficiency.
Memcached in Dedicated Servers
dedicated server ordered with our Hepsia Control Panel comes with Memcached pre-installed by default, so you can begin using the distributed memory caching system as soon as the server is fully functional, without needing to upgrade or install anything. The amount of system memory that Memcached can employ depends on the dedicated server that you have picked, but as our servers are unbelievably powerful and considering the fact that it is likely that you will host resource-consuming sites on them, the minimum amount of memory that the system can use is 3 gigabytes. This will enable you to improve the overall performance of extremely heavy sites effortlessly and you will observe the difference soon after Memcached begins caching database calls. You can make full use of the caching system with any database-powered website, including those based on famous Content Management Systems like Joomla
™ and WordPress.