Although this isn't the most importantaspect to help you recognize a dependable hosting supplier from a bad one or a reseller from an actual provider, being able to call and talk to a live person is a sign that you are not dealing with a one-person service provider and that you will be able to reach someone when you're looking for help. The phone support for hosting services may vary from common to dedicated, therefore the problems that can be resolved through a call vary depending on the company. Usually, these matters are more basic and include billing or 1st level technical issues because more difficult problems usually require a support ticket where both you and the sysadmins can track what is going on with a particular situation. Still, being able to phone call your provider will save you considerable time and efforts for the countless tiny problems that may eventually show up when you manage your web hosting account.
Phone Support in Hosting
We know that being able to consult with a live representative is very important, for that reason we have three support lines around the globe (Australia, USA and UK) and you have the option to reach us over the phone for 14 hours a day. If you consider obtaining one of our hosting, for example, you are able to give us a call and find more about our solutions before you order to ensure that we match all of the system requirements for your sites. Following your purchase, you'll be able to contact us about any kind of sales and billing troubles you may experience, or get any general or basic technical info that you need. We've tried to find the balance between phone and ticket support, so for entirely technical matters you'll have to use the ticketing system, which will make it easier to monitor the communication together with any new developments in the resolution of the issue.
Phone Support in Semi-dedicated Servers
We provide live phone support 14 hrs daily as a part of the support services for each semi-dedicated server plan that we offer. Due to the fact that some issues are more complex and time-consuming, you may have to open a ticket in case you come across such an issue, still for all the billing, general or small-scale tech issues you can always give us a call and we will help you right away to save you the time you'll have to spend on creating a support ticket. Even if you don't have an account yet, you will be able to find out if you can host your internet sites on our advanced cloud platform or you will be able to receive any other general information about our semi-dedicated services. We now have local numbers in the USA, the UK and Australia along with an international number, so that you are able to call the one which is nearer to your location.